Saturday 6 April 2013

A fat girl's day out in Yorkshire

I hate shopping.

I may be a girl and I may be the girl with the smallest possible hands and feet for my age (has no connection with clothes shopping, although I get the best shoes for the cheapest prices), yet I hate shopping. Want to know why? I'll make it simple for you guys- I'm fat. Like not obese fat but tall-and-awkward fat. My face is thin, so are my arms and lower legs, a nice neck, butt and...... chest (not bragging or being pervy, just stating the facts). It's just my thighs and abdomens. They are so big!!! And, yes I am willing to admit it, fat. Mum says that I can lose the weight if I try. She is actually right because the last time I worked out, I lost 4 pounds in a week!!! Yeah, I'm not joking. All I did was work out for an hour everyday, drink cinnamon water, eat no rice or bread or any junk food and drink lemon juice with no sugar or salt. Anyway, coming back to the topic, my mum urged me to go out shopping with my skinny cousin. She could buy anything and it would either fit her or it would be too big for her. It isn't fair! She is a UK size 8 and I'm a, well, UK size 16. That's twice her size! Ugh, I hate myself. So does everyone who writes a blog. So while my cousin kept whining how small everything was, I cried silently to myself. Fuck what One Direction sings in 'Little Things'. They write songs about all types of girls so that their fan base among the girls can expand. I was fooled by the song the first time I heard it. So were so many other fat girls (No offence).
Speaking of One Direction, I actually like them. Louis is my favourite. Before I stepped into UK, I didn't even know all their names. Now I even know their girlfriends' names. Here, the following is huge and CRAZY, since they are British. However, when they speak,  they sound Irish. They are, without an argument, HOT! I have been officially been One Directioned. HELP!!!!!!
UK is without a doubt, amazing. However, it would be best if you came here during May or June because it is freaking cold in London right now. Yorkshire on the other hand has a pleasant weather so you can come here now itself. If you are trying to save money along with your trip to the UK, do not shop for posters at Madame Tussauds. It cost me 7 fucking pounds whereas you can get 3 posters for the same amount at WHSmith.
Okay, I'm going with a simple bye-bye because I have to enjoy the rest of my trip here and I can't seem to come up with a good way to sign off. Anyhow, here's the answer to my last riddle-
The son said till the candle wick burns out, so he blew out the candle as soon Death left. :-)

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